Anime Anime Reviews Review

Sousou no Frieren – Episode 28

Episode Synopsis:

The last of the First Class Mage candidates learn which of them passed, and the successful ones begin to claim their desired spell from Serie. With their business in Äußerst concluding, Frieren, Fern, and Stark spend their remaining time with their new acquaintances before setting off once more. It’s time to say goodbye to this chapter and the friends they made, and continue the journey to Ende.


After such an intense climax to the test, it’s great to have two full episodes to decompress and spend time with everyone we’ve met during this arc. It gives us the time we need to absorb all that’s happened and appreciate what all of the characters went through to get here, as well as what it means for those who passed the exam.

We begin as Serie interviews the remaining candidates, with Denken, Land, Wirbel, and Methode all passing. Despite his cautious nature, Denken has recovered some of his drive and ambition; Land was skilled and brazen enough to take the test without even being present! That is one magnificent bastard.

Wirbel’s practical approach to magic and understanding of strength nets him a pass, as it lines up nicely with Serie’s own philosophy. Methode, on the other hand…

Serie even decides to pass Übel, despite clear misgivings. Regardless of her ruthless methods and clear desire for violence, the mage did pass the trials and possesses great skill. Yet even someone as detached as Serie is put off by her – it’s clear that she is going to stay a wildcard for the foreseeable future.

Serie’s logic for passing the remaining mages is (mostly) sound, but also capricious, showing that she shares a bit of the same childish impulsiveness as Frieren. Yet as Frieren pointed out, her intuition is never wrong. In a later flashback to the elves’ earlier conversation, Serie admits that while few of her students have ever achieved the mastery she expects, she’s never regretted taking any of them on. For all of her vaunted knowledge and aloofness, she still cares for those she tutors, even if she’s terrible at expressing it.

While the other mages learn their fate, Fern and Stark sit down with Denken and Laufen, learning more about the older mage’s life and how the test has helped rekindle his love for magic. As an old man with no remaining family, he spoils the younger folks like his grandchildren. His only other desire is to see his wife’s grave once more – a reminder that even after a life of grand politics, his most important legacy is what he leaves behind to those who matter most to him.

Elsewhere in town, Wirbel meets Frieren and tells her how stories of Himmel the Hero inspired him to become the mage he is today. Wirbel is a fascinating character; I was all set up to ignore him as a flat semi-antagonist who was only in it for the fight, but he’s proven to be a capable tactician and surprisingly warm to others. Off the battlefield, he’s caring and friendly, but if you threaten what he loves, he won’t hesitate to put you in the ground. Whether that makes him a good person or not is a complicated question, and I’m glad the show spent the time exploring the complexities and contradictions of what could have been a throwaway character.

The combat mage says that while he was fascinated by the grand tales of Himmel slaying demons and conquering dungeons, the elders in his village always looked back on how the hero helped them in smaller ways; fending off local monsters, or helping them carry goods to and from the village. These small acts directly impacted the village and helped them pull through even after his death, while those legendary acts were distant by comparison.

The ongoing theme that the little adventures and “sidequests” of life are what truly define our lives carries through all the way to the end. It’s even reflected in the fact that Stark, who did little more than hang around playing with local kids and helping people shift boxes around, is beloved by the townsfolk. Small, kind deeds build up over time and inspire others to be their best selves. It may not be revolutionary to put a spin on “the real treasure was the friends we met along the way”, but I’ve rarely seen it hold a show together so well.

Another of the show’s themes carries through to the end of the episode, when the party says goodbye to Lawine and Kanne as they depart Äußerst. Their goodbye is friendly but surprisingly brief for all the challenges they went through, much like the parting with Sein. Frieren echoes Himmel’s words from the past; that tearful goodbyes would only be embarrassing when they finally meet again. Whether in this life or whatever is beyond it, he had faith that he would see all of those faces again. Through Frieren, his message lives on in her companions and those they’ve helped.

I’m actually tearing up a little as I write this, because of how that simple thought touched me. Everyone has to say goodbye to friends, family, and acquaintances over their lives. Whether that parting is brief or eternal, we should strive to make the time between them as happy as we can, so that we can smile when we see each other once more.


There’s a ton that happens in this episode that I’d love to go over in more detail, but needed to trim down to focus on key points. Between all of the emotional moments and partings, there are a bunch of incredible gags and funny bits sprinkled in to keep the mood up, like Serie banning Frieren from coming back for the next thousand years; an act of incredible pettiness I can’t help but admire.

Or the fact that for her single unique spell, Fern chose one that could keep clothes fresh and clean.

Which makes perfect sense when you think about it – you might use that apocalyptic demon-slaying magical nuke once in your life, but laundry is at minimum a weekly chore. Even with this gag, the theme of “it’s the little things” holds strong!

What a way to end a season. Frieren is that rare show that does everything right, and clearly promotes its core messages throughout. I cannot wait to continue the adventure when it resumes, and I hope you all will join us when it does. Until then, may all your goodbyes be happy and brief.

Catch you all next season!

2 comments on “Sousou no Frieren – Episode 28

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  2. Pingback: Sousou no Frieren – Episode 27 – The Con Artists

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